Web Development Policy

1. Web Development Waiting Period:

We are excited to embark on the journey of creating your website. Please note that there is a standard waiting period of 1 month from the date of purchase before we commence the web development process. During this time, we’ll gather all the necessary information and resources to ensure a smooth and efficient development process.

2. Refund Policy:

Once the website development process has begun, we do not offer refunds. This policy is in place to ensure a fair and efficient allocation of resources and to maintain the integrity of our services.

3. Dropshipping Guidance:

For clients using our services for dropshipping websites, we provide guidance for a duration of 1 month after the website is developed. Please note that we do not run ads for dropshipping. Our guidance includes best practices and strategies to help you get started. However, we do not provide ongoing marketing services or guarantee specific outcomes.

4. Bugs and Glitches:

While we make every effort to ensure a bug-free experience, it’s possible that minor bugs or glitches may arise after the website is launched. Rest assured, our dedicated team will swiftly address and resolve any issues that may occur. Your patience during this process is appreciated.

5. Termination Rights:

We reserve the right to terminate your website and services if any disrespectful or inappropriate behavior is directed towards our developers or company representatives. We believe in fostering a respectful and collaborative working relationship to achieve the best outcomes.

We understand that your website is a vital aspect of your online presence, and we are committed to delivering a product that aligns with your vision. Your understanding of these policies ensures a transparent and mutually beneficial partnership.

Thank you for choosing Tryhosting for your web development needs.

Last updated: 22 July 2023